Resources for Youth

The web is an incredible source of information.  Have you made a commitment to use the internet to help you grow closer to God or are you allowing the internet to tempt and trap and destroy you or to cause you to waste your life when you could be living an incredible life of radical obedience to the God who created you and loves you more intimately than you will ever know?  For every 30 minutes you spend on facebook or youtube or gaming I challenge you to spend the same reading, watching or listening to resources that feed you and help you grow spiritually as you seek to become more like Christ.

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Below are some web resources that have the potential to help you grow deeper in your walk with God.  As I come across blogs, articles, websites, videos or apps that I find helpful, I will share them here with you.  If you have suggestions to add to this list, email me at and I will check out the source and consider adding it to the list.


  1. Meditations in a Toolshed – (by a youth pastor I learn much from)
  2. Spiritual Caffeine (devotional material about disciplemaking)


  1. Letter to an Incomplete, Insecure Teenager


  1. Resources for Resolving Conflict
  2. The Gospel Coalition
  3. The Center for Parent and Youth Understanding
  4. Desiring God


  1. G.O.S.P.E.L – Propaganda
  2. Radical Christianity is Normal – Francis Chan


  1. (Bible reading app)
  2. Bible Gateway (Bible reading app)
  3. Piper Devotional (Devotional)
  4. Logos Bible (Bible study app)
  5. Accordance (Bible study app)


5 Questions to Assess if Relationships are Healthy (from Greg Speck

  1. What do you do when you are together?
  2. What comes out of your mouth when you are together?
  3. How do you feel about your parents and authority figures when you are with these friends?
  4. How is this relationship impacting your self-esteem?
  5. How is this relationship impacting your relationship with Jesus Christ?

Post your question or insights